2012 Poetry Month


I have been thinking a lot about the word Dayenu, which we hear each year at the Passover seder.

What’s dayenu? Here’s a definition condensed from Wiki:

“…The word “dayenu” is Hebrew for “it is enough for us” or “we would have been satisfied.” The song lists the miracles…performed for the Jewish people…The song follows the format “If G-d had done x and not done y, dayenu. If G-d had done y and not done z, dayenu,” and so on. This…expression of gratitude… helps to inculcate a mindset of thankfulness that is appropriate outside the confines of the Seder as well.

I decided to copy the original format (which you can read here) and apply it to one day in my life. Warning…this is pretty long. My goal in writing poetry and picture books is to condense, condense, like a soup stock. But, ironically, this takes time–if I had longer to work on the poem it would be shorter! So here is a first version of a poem incorporating the idea of Dayenu. What could be a better writing assignment? Relive a really wonderful day.

DAYENU (pronounced: die-Ay-new)

by April Halprin Wayland

If we had driven along the jungley road

And not found the hiking trail


If we had found the hiking trail

And had not reached the hill overlooking the ocean


If we had reached the hill overlooking the ocean

And hadn’t noticed the turquoise water, the hundred shades of green and that red dirt


If we had noticed the turquoise water, those greens and the red dirt

And we not hiked down, down, down to the water


If we had hiked down and climbed over the round grey rocks, right to the water’s edge

And had not gone swimming


If we dove into those turquoise and deep blue waves

And not built cairns when we were done swimming


If we had built the cairns

And had not hiked up, up, up and then dowwwwwn again, back to the car


If we had hiked up, up, up and then down-down-down, back to the car

And had not found the farmers market


If we had found the farmers market

And had not bought fresh ahi tuna, avocado and mangoes


If we had bought fresh ahi, avocado and mangoes at the farmers market

And had not cooked it together, all of us chopping and marinating and setting the table


If we had cooked the yummy dinner together, all of us helping

And had not taken a good hot bubbling bath


If we had taken a hot bath to soak our sore hiker legs

And had not had soft beds to sleep in


If we had soft beds to sleep in

And not had kisses on our foreheads


Thank you, thank you and thank you

For this day.

© by April Halprin Wayland 2010 all rights reserved

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The Original Poem-A-Day Challenge was started by Irene Latham…and is further energized by the amazing, energetic and inspired Laura Evans, of www.teachpoetryk-12.com. Check out Laura’slist of Poetry Month events! And here are answers to Frequently Asked Questions about National Poetry Month, such provocative questions as: What is National Poetry Month? Who started National Poetry Month? How can I obtain a copy of the National Poetry Month poster? And thirty ways to celebrate National Poetry Month (including, “write a poem in chalk on your sidewalk.”)

© April Halprin Wayland 2010 all rights reserved

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