2012 Poetry Month

Fruit Pizza

I woke up with the words, “fruit pizza” in my head. Why? Maybe because it was gloriously spring in Southern California: windy, warm, and clean-after-the-rains skies. So I began thinking about kids with allergies.  I mean, of course I did. If there’s something to worry about, I’ve got it covered.

One of my friend’s kids has allergies to practically everything on this planet. I wondered…what did mothers of kids with allergies do for a birthday cake? And then I thought again, “fruit pizza”.  I mean, admit it—you would, too.  So I googled “fruit pizza” and discovered some beautiful creations.

In poetry you get to fictionalize stuff.  So in my head, this kid can eat dairy and fruit.

By April Halprin Wayland

My friends are the hem.
The next circle’s uncles, aunts, cousins and kin.

They orbit my brother, dad, sisters, and mother-
circles in circles in circles within.

They all helped to make me this spiral dessert
(peach juice is smeared over Junie’s new shirt).

Berries ring apricots, grapes surround pears.
Cream cheese, bananas and honey and there’s

one thing at the center: a perfect sliced kiwi.
In my circle of family and circle of friends-

circles in circles in circles within-
in that center, most center, lit by flames “One, two, three!”

is the one who is blowing them out
and that’s me.

© April Halprin Wayland 2010 all rights reserved

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