2012 Poetry Month

Happy Birthday, Shirley!

Yesterday, April 23rd, was Shirley Temple‘s birthday.  You’ll want to watch her sing “On The Good Ship Lollipop” (2:34 min),  sing “Animal Crackers in My Soup” (4:46 min), and tap dance with Bo Jangles Robinson in Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (3:12 min)

How can I resist writing a poem to her?

(Remember, gang, this is the raw material…I spent several hours tossing out ideas that weren’t working; it will take several more hours–or days–to make it a good poem.)

by April Halprin Wayland

There’s Shirley Temple in sailor cap–
tappity tap
sunny, dimpled, she made the world laugh.

She danced with Bo Jangles on anything flat;
tappity tat
everyone wanted her autograph.

These days she pours over colorful maps–
tappity tap
happy birthday, tap-dancing diplomat!

© 2010 April Halprin Wayland. All rights reserved

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