2012 Poetry Month

I’m Not Allowed to Play With it Until I Write a Thank You Note

Continuing the Birthday Poems theme!

The marvelous thing about this challenge is that it’s catching me off-guard in my other writing. Today I began doodling around, trying to find a poem, when I stumbled on a picture book. I sipped apple spice tea in the coffee house and played and played with words.

Here’s today’s birthday poem, lite.  And remember, it’s raw, raw, RAW–not ready for prime time!


by April Halprin Wayland

I didn’t even get a vote-
I’m supposed to write a thank you note.
I wish I knew what Marty wrote
when he was writing thank you notes.

I don’t know why I have to write
my mom says it is impolite
if I don’t take the time and say
whatever I’m supposed to say.

The words are stuck inside my throat.
I wish I had a funny quote
to write in this dumb
thank you note.

When thinking about how to thank,
I come up with an empty blank.
If I don’t write one I can’t play
with what it is you gave to me…

a thank you note CATASTROPHE!

© 2010 April Halprin Wayland. All rights reserved

Are you writing a poem a day, too? Even if you’re not, please leave a comment on www.TeachingAuthors.com (You can leave your comment after any of our posts…it doesn’t matter if I’m posting or one of the five other authors is. Just scroll down to the first place you can comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts~)

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