2012 Poetry Month

How Do You Describe a Smell?


by April Halprin Wayland

It’s powdery—
cotton candy and dust
from a carnival midway

It’s musky—
leaf litter
of an old oak grove

It’s all mixed up—
crackers and
couch pillows:

your own furry fragrance
your downy dogness
as I burrow into you each morning.

(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

The story behind the poem:
I like to start my day by burrowing my nose into Eli’s neck, hugging his big dog-self.  It’s a soft way into the day.  This morning I noticed how nice he smelled.  Then I tried to put words around it.  As I wrote this poem, I kept going back to Eli and hugging him, inhaling and trying to “get” what the smell was like.  What did it remind me of?
As one of my dog park friends, James, said, “Humans are visual. We don’t have words for smells because we don’t use our nose as dominantly as we use our eyes.”
Now it’s your turn: find a smell you’d like to write about.  Take it in. Close your eyes.  What does it remind you of?  Write a poem.

Eli & Elsie…”How do you do?”
or maybe, “How do you smell?

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