2012 Poetry Month

How Does it Feel?

by April Halprin Wayland
My body is singing an answer to this day—
as if the sun is strumming me,
as if this soft summer air is,
as if the whole world
is yearning to hum along.

(c) 2011  April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved
The story behind the poem:
I went hiking today with four friends. It was a warm spring day and there were wildflowers everywhere: blue-eyed grasses, bush sunflowers, lupines, mariposa flowers and more. The air against my bare arms felt so…so what?  My body after the hike felt so…so what?  It was vibrating from the exercise and from the green of the day.  This is what I tried to put down in a poem.
Now it’s your turn.  Think of a favorite physical exercise.  How do you feel afterwards?  Write your own poem.

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