2012 Poetry Month

Be an Animal!


by April Halprin Wayland

Lumbering through the untended edge of my yard,
I spy one fat flower,
stretch my neck, blink to see

one hundred yellow rays,
lion’s tooth leaves,
and a smooth thick stem

which drips
savory white sap
as I snap up this small, delicious sun.

(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

The story behind the poem:
Sheldon, whose named used to be Shelly until our vet set us straight, loves dandelions. So when he wakes up every March and lumbers outside, I give him bouquets of them. In fact, I’ve become somewhat of a dandelion connoisseur. I’ll stop my car for a thick cluster of them in an empty lot.  I’ve noticed they grow especially large at the dog park.  I don’t like to think about why—I simply pluck them for Sheldon.  He appreciates my presents.
It’s your turn.  This is another mask poem, a poem written from the point of view of an inanimate object or animal. (Scroll down to April 14th for a poem from a cat’s point of view and more information about mask poems…or if you’re reading this on Facebook, go to https://www.aprilwayland.com/poetry/blog and then scroll down to April 14th)
What animal will you pick?  Put yourself in the animal’s mind.  What object does your animal crave?  See the object from your animal’s point of view. Put it in a poem.
Sheldon and dandelion 3


2 Responses

  1. April,
    This is way way too much fun! What a delight to have such a friend make his spring appearance!

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