2012 Poetry Month

Sign a Song!

X(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reservedx
Oops!  This poem was set to post on April 23rd…but never actually appeared.  So…here it is…listen to this under-one-minute
clip before reading the poem…
by April Halprin Wayland
People, listen to the friends all singing
Come, bring your guitar, share a song
People, listen to the friends all singing
Bring some cherries, find your seat and sing along!
(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved
The story behind the poem:
I was listening to Prairie Home Companion on NPR and though I’d never heard it before, I couldn’t help but join in on a one-stanza hymn with a wonderfully addictive melody, “Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying”:
Lord listen to Your children praying,
Lord send Your Spirit in this place
Lord listen to Your children praying
Send us love, send us power, send us grace!
I wrote my own version of this simple song to sing with friends at the next folk music club meeting.
It’s your turn!  Look up the lyrics to a favorite song.  Being mindful of its rhyme pattern and rhythm, change the lyrics to fit an occasion or circumstance in your life.  Have fun!
(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

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