2012 Poetry Month

This Baby Comes to the Dog Park Too Often

by April Halprin Wayland

At the dog park grows a howl!
Brighton’s mommy takes a towel
and she wipes her baby’s chin.
Brighton’s tooth is coming in!

First it’s just one baby’s yelp.
Next, the small dogs yip, to help.
Now the big dogs join the din—
Brighton’s tooth is coming in!

Suddenly her whole face flushes.
All the caterwauling hushes.
Brighton smiles—her tooth’s in fine!
Naturally it’s her canine.

Poetry Prompt:

Yep—Brighton comes every day in a front facing baby carrier. When I made the connection between her teething and which tooth it might be, it made me laugh.

Now it’s your turn: Some of what makes a funny poem is the meter. This one is bouncy—it has predictable rhythm and rhyme. Humor is often the art of surprise, with a twist at the end.  What situation in the last week made you laugh?  Can you take us back to that scene and make us laugh, too?

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