2012 Poetry Month

In Pollywog Park

by April Halprin Wayland

One middle school kid,
talking cocky
commandeers the outdoor glider.

A gawky squirt
in a shirt that’s khaki
tries high five but he’s an outsider.

Cocky kid won’t meet his palm.
Khaki kid
just shuffles home.

He’s all whine—has no big bark.
Just like puppies
in the big dog park.

Poetry Prompt: Yes, we have Polliwog Park in our town.  How you could not love a park named that?  I was watching kids establish hierarchy on the gym equipment in the park; the parallel was obvious.

It’s your turn. Parallel Play.  Think of a topic that means something to you.  Now…look around, think about your life, your town.  What can you compare it to?

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