2012 Poetry Month

I Have No

by April Halprin Wayland

I have no rain inside my house,
no grass instead of rug,
no tiny living dinosaur,
no belching monster bug.

No piano-playing fish with wings,
no daffodils on skates,
no snowmen in my bottom drawer,
no unicycling kings.

But do I have
a waggish dog?
Oh, yes, I have
a dog.

So, there’s no end of wonders
nor subjects
for a poem
in our exciting, topsy-turvy, dog-invaded home.

Poetry Prompt:  Sometimes you have to get your sillies out.  And look what I discovered: the word waggish means ” roguish in merriment and good humor; jocular”…how perfect is that?!?

It’s your turn. Get your sillies out–write your own silly poem.

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