2012 Poetry Month

Evening in Paris … in the Dog Park

by April Halprin Wayland

We are lucky
to have not one
but eight Eiffel Towers
linked by wires
marching over the dog park.

It’s so dark,
you can hardly see the four dogs
cavorting beneath them
but take my word for it—
they are cavorting,

galloping in huge invisible circles
drawn by Eli’s tinkling tags, Gracie’s snorting,
Emma Jane’s boisterous barreling over woodchips and mud,
and the wet sound of Duke
sliding across cement into the dog drinking fountain.

Could they be powered by these tall towers?
Could these towers be charging
not only the tangerine lights across the street
but these romping hounds
bounding in the blackness?

Poetry Prompt: My friend Sonya Sones has taught me so much about writing poetry.  One thing she’s taught me is the power of asking questions.

It’s your turn. Write a poem that includes some questions.

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