2012 Poetry Month


BEDTIME ~ rough draft!
by April Halprin Wayland

Dog upstairs in crate.
Cat downstairs on couch.

Cat sleeping with one eye open
in case Dog flies down the stairs.

Dog sleeping with one eye open
in case Cat comes to visit.

Why can’t we play chase, Cat?
Why can’t you go back to wherever you came from, Dog?

Because some day I want to lie down with you curled in the circle of my tummy, Cat.

Cat wrinkles her nose.

Cat closes both eyes.

Cat purrs.

This is our cat, Snot. My husband named her.

This is a dialogue poem.

5 Responses

  1. Great images! In the spirit of these being rough drafts that you’re posting, I wonder: what would happen if you turned this into TWO poems?

  2. Later: I’ve revised it two new ways:
    1) as two poems
    2) as a poem for two voices.

    The last one makes me laugh.

    Thanks, Janet!

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