

This form is called a Mirror Poem by Joan Bransfield Graham, from whom I learned it in the early ’90s, or a Reverso Poem by Marilyn Singer.

Cleaning Out

Cleaning out

this big shirt
used to fit
but today I swim around in it—
out go all my give-away clothes …


bongo repair

With bongo, blanket and Panama hat,
I went to a special drum store.
There were drums and drums and drums and some
I’d never seen before.

Cat Act

Snot the cat

The scruffy house cat
aches to fly–
she dreams all day of
wings and sky!

World Wide Wag

Why I am able to get some work done today

… if your big goofy paws
were seen racing on air …

Says the Seagull

tossing bread

Who are these people on my pier?
I sail above them, then fly near.


Ear listening

This photo has so many possibilities!


bus driver


Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe,

up dusty red Canyon Road
in and out of art galleries
ducking out of the heat …