2014 Poetry Month
I write a poem each day;
during Poetry Month, I share ideas, rough drafts
and bits about my writing process
Welcome to Poetry Month 2014!
A poet uses many tools. Two are metaphor and simile.
A metaphor compares two different things:
“Her life is a rollercoaster.”
A simile also compares two things, using like or as:
“Her room is like a disaster area.”
Metaphors and similes make word pictures; I’d like to become better at creating them. So every day this month, I’ll practice by posting a metaphor (or a simile) below. I’m not posting a poem. Just one piece: a metaphor for a poem.
I’d love to read your favorites too! It’ll be like playing volleyball. (Whoa! Did you see that simile sail by?)
Curious to see what other children’s poets are posting during Poetry Month? Ask the mouth-wateringly-original Jama Rattigan–she’s compiled a list of who’s posting what all month long.
(For a bit of fun, Google the word “metaphor” and then click on “images”…or just click here)
Ready? Let’s start speaking metaphoreeze! (Scroll down)

Tangerine metaphor
I used tangerine as a metaphor for my day.
I’d planned to spend it happily alone.
Instead, I shared part of my day with my friend.

Whitewashing Walnut Trees metaphor
Whoever thought that trees could get sunburn?

Morning Glory simile
Hand and hand. What’s something to compare that to?

What Are They Looking at? simile
It’s working! In searching for them every day, metaphors and similes have started singing in my brain!

Shampooing simile
I was at the hair dresser today and in my current state of must find a metaphor, I wondered how I would describe the delicious feeling of her fingers scrubbing my scalp. As she moved me from the shampoo sink to her chair, I scribbled in my little notebook: Scrubbing my soapy head, Mommy’s strong fingers

Birds metaphor
I have a friend who works in the TV biz. I started writing a poem about how tired she was after such long hours.

A Washing of Hands metaphor
Sometimes it seems I’ve died and gone to Metaphor Heaven.

Stagnant Water metaphor
At first they rained down
and I stretched my dry palm

Compost Bin metaphor
Sometimes it’s good:
sliding the tines of the rake under a big pile …

Eyeglasses metaphor
Not understand the metaphor of yesterday’s compost poem? I’m sure he’s not the only one!

My Mama’s Teeth metaphor
My mama’s teeth stuck out
when she was a bitty girl and they still do …

Shattered Glass metaphor
She said, “We’re all broken … we splinter differently, and the pieces can be quite beautiful.”

Snake metaphor
Here’s a poem I wrote in 2010.
I’ve just spent an hour rewriting it.

Beast metaphor
Have you ever had to fill out an official document that had to be mailed ON DEADLINE somewhere IMPORTANT that involved, say, MATH, which intimidated the stuffing out of you?

Tissue metaphor
An invasion…my body’s been taken over by the enemy!

Violin/Bird metaphor
This is the first time I understood the power of metaphor.

Crow simile
His wings are as wide as the sky
They blacken the whole schoolyard …

Fence simile
I found this in my files from 2005 … here’s today’s rewrite.

Pomegranate Seeds metaphor
Every class is different. How best to describe my students?

Walking to the Ocean metaphor
It didn’t seem that far away
when you started …

Raspberries metaphor
The “raspberry collective” metaphor I used reminded me of the miniature world in Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who.

Clutter metaphor
Here are two versions of one of my poems
(with a metaphor that hits you over the head with a hammer).

BATHING OUR DOG metaphor & simile
My sister and I are pushing a big aluminum tub
across our brick patio to the grass
sounding like a tank rolling towards war.

What a Metaphor for Aging, I Ask My 91-Year-Old Mother
A thief. A thief takes all your assets,
she says lying on the couch,
looking thin, grey, and so very small.