These Dog Poems

Eli at the dog park

It’s always fun to throw an unanswered question or two into a poem.

What I Hope Will Never Happen

Rosie in CAL hat

If you’re my agent,
you tell me my writing stinks
and not to call you
or email
or send you a box of chocolates
or take you to see another Broadway show
ever again.


Eli and cow

A poem with a rhyme pattern of AAB, CCD, EEB, FFD.

Black / White

dog park in the dark

After talking with my friend who was snowed-in back east, I met a brilliantly white Akita at the dog park.

O the Wind Blows


A mask poem from the point of view of something that cannot speak.

God, Dog and Teddy

Eli the dog

God came by early this morning on his rounds,
carrying his latte.
He saw you sleeping on your blanket.