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Eli on the last day of Poetry Month 2015

PROCRASTINATION by April Halprin Wayland Ancient dog circled in the grass round and round to tamp it down I am dog circling, too round and round as all dogs do round my homework, round my desk finally, working then I rest. published in Cricket Magazine December 2002 also published in my novel in poems, GIRL COMING […]

World Wide Wag

Why I am able to get some work done today

… if your big goofy paws
were seen racing on air …

These Dog Poems

Eli at the dog park

It’s always fun to throw an unanswered question or two into a poem.

What I Hope Will Never Happen

Rosie in CAL hat

If you’re my agent,
you tell me my writing stinks
and not to call you
or email
or send you a box of chocolates
or take you to see another Broadway show
ever again.