Dog Park Spring Quartet
Sometimes I get flashes on a topic. Pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit together with that satisfying click no matter how I look at the pieces.
Circling the Dog Park
Dog park = life.
Dog Tree Apostrophe
An apostrophe poem is one in which the poet talks to an inanimate object.
Dog Birthday
a long time ago
i chewed you out
for chewing my shoe
This Baby Comes to the Dog Park Too Often
Some of what makes a funny poem is the meter. This one is bouncy—it has predictable rhythm and rhyme.
Dog Word, Girl Word
What a glorious word “done” can be! It got me to thinking about favorite words.
Imitate Your Favorite Poem
x x Who’s coming in the dog park gate?!?!?! Okay…first read this poem: x THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE by William Butler Yeats x I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for […]
How Do You Describe a Smell?
X PUPPY PERFUME by April Halprin Wayland It’s powdery— cotton candy and dust from a carnival midway It’s musky— leaf litter of an old oak grove It’s all mixed up— crackers and couch pillows: your own furry fragrance your downy dogness as I burrow into you each morning. (c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights […]