What Happened?

french bulldog, dog, weary

Everything’s changed.
She used to float above me like a soft, white cloud.
Now her voice is sharp with lightning strikes;
she thunders at me for little things.

Dog Word, Girl Word

collaboration, collaborator, book

What a glorious word “done” can be! It got me to thinking about favorite words.

Be an Animal!

(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

I’ve become somewhat of a dandelion connoisseur …

Mask Poem

Eli on the last day of Poetry Month 2015

CAT AT MIDNIGHT by April Halprin Wayland Night. She pads out to the porch, I hide. “Come sleep with me,” she says, while turning off the light. I wait. She goes to bed. Then mastering my fright, I slink inside. I’m careful where I tread I tiptoe past his plate and cross a rope he’s […]