
bongo repair

With bongo, blanket and Panama hat,
I went to a special drum store.
There were drums and drums and drums and some
I’d never seen before.


bus driver


Focusing on Rhythm in a Dog Poem

dog, young dog, the muzzle of the dog

dog lifting ear
wrinkling wet nose

whistle of man
done with day’s work

twitching the tip of a tail
putting big paws on the ledge

Six Words About the Dog Park

border collie, hybrid, fun

I’m not known for being concise.  But that’s exactly what I admire: a few brush strokes to suggest a cat sleeping, a few ingredients to make a meal, a few words to tell a story.


eye, girl, blue

Slow down. Be present. Observe one facet of your life.

Reverso Poems

yellow tulips by April Halprin Wayland (c) 2011

x BLOOMING by April Halprin Wayland BLOOMING A poem grows from scattered seed in muddy soil— a muddle. x One green leaf, a vine meandering, winding around, climbing towards light. Me: gardening poetry. x Poetry: gardening me? Climbing towards light? Winding around? A vine meandering? One green leaf? x A muddle in muddy soil from […]