May Day

dog, small, dog training

James brought
Lacy and Chase.
Grace brought
Sadie and Payne.

Every dog learned to
shake, wait
and stay,
and then they all played games.

What Happened?

french bulldog, dog, weary

Everything’s changed.
She used to float above me like a soft, white cloud.
Now her voice is sharp with lightning strikes;
she thunders at me for little things.

I Have No

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I have no rain inside my house,
no grass instead of rug,
no tiny living dinosaur,
no belching monster bug.

Focusing on Rhythm in a Dog Poem

dog, young dog, the muzzle of the dog

dog lifting ear
wrinkling wet nose

whistle of man
done with day’s work

twitching the tip of a tail
putting big paws on the ledge

When Eli Turned Two

A Dog Lying on the Rug

Before, as if he hadn’t heard,
my memo slowly fluttered down.  The words
which bid him to obey
would float above his brain all day.

Young Dog Dashing ~ imitating a poem I love

beach, rocks, coast

Young Dog Dashing, how do you run
With Greyhound and Husky in the dust and the sun?
     In circles and twisting around the trees
     Gathering others for the widening game.

Dog Park Spring Quartet

beagle, yawn, lazy

Sometimes I get flashes on a topic. Pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit together with that satisfying click no matter how I look at the pieces.

Imitate Your Favorite Poem

Eli at the dog park 4-11 (c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

x x Who’s coming in the dog park gate?!?!?! Okay…first read this poem: x THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE by William Butler Yeats x I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for […]