Veteran Dog to Cocky Puppy

dog walking, dog walker, dog training

Take the leash, Kid, take the ride.
Yep—it could be to the vet.
Or maybe waiting in the shade.

Or a romp on the beach.
Heck—it could be a ham bone
after heel-sit-stay.

I Have No

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I have no rain inside my house,
no grass instead of rug,
no tiny living dinosaur,
no belching monster bug.


Our dogsitter knows
just enough
to wonder
the dog

Focusing on Rhythm in a Dog Poem

dog, young dog, the muzzle of the dog

dog lifting ear
wrinkling wet nose

whistle of man
done with day’s work

twitching the tip of a tail
putting big paws on the ledge

When Eli Turned Two

A Dog Lying on the Rug

Before, as if he hadn’t heard,
my memo slowly fluttered down.  The words
which bid him to obey
would float above his brain all day.