
Eli on the last day of Poetry Month 2015

PROCRASTINATION by April Halprin Wayland Ancient dog circled in the grass round and round to tamp it down I am dog circling, too round and round as all dogs do round my homework, round my desk finally, working then I rest. published in Cricket Magazine December 2002 also published in my novel in poems, GIRL COMING […]

I Am Standing

climbing tree

Girl on Land…………………….Boy at Sea
I am standing…………………….I am standing

Fire Ants

red ants

Flood waters rise!
Quick, form a ball—
our larvae, pupae, eggs and Mother Queen inside!

Budding Scholars


Welcome, Flowers.
Write your name on a name tag.
Find a seat …

In the Word Woods

Forest for the trees by April Halprin Wayland

I’m sure there’s a found poem somewhere here.
There usually is this time of year …



This form is called a Mirror Poem by Joan Bransfield Graham, from whom I learned it in the early ’90s, or a Reverso Poem by Marilyn Singer.