PROCRASTINATION by April Halprin Wayland Ancient dog circled in the grass round and round to tamp it down I am dog circling, too round and round as all dogs do round my homework, round my desk finally, working then I rest. published in Cricket Magazine December 2002 also published in my novel in poems, GIRL COMING […]
In the Word Woods
I’m sure there’s a found poem somewhere here.
There usually is this time of year …
Doorbell metaphor
Is anyone answering YOUR doorbell today?
Walking to the Ocean metaphor
It didn’t seem that far away
when you started …
Digging Dog simile
Practicing poetry “scales.”
These Dog Poems
It’s always fun to throw an unanswered question or two into a poem.
What I Hope Will Never Happen
If you’re my agent,
you tell me my writing stinks
and not to call you
or email
or send you a box of chocolates
or take you to see another Broadway show
ever again.
Reverso Poems
x BLOOMING by April Halprin Wayland BLOOMING A poem grows from scattered seed in muddy soil— a muddle. x One green leaf, a vine meandering, winding around, climbing towards light. Me: gardening poetry. x Poetry: gardening me? Climbing towards light? Winding around? A vine meandering? One green leaf? x A muddle in muddy soil from […]
Thank You Poem
HEADLINE, DEADLINE, END-OF-LINE by April Halprin Wayland X There are no ants who climb these lines to hoist up every front-page word— absurd. X No crow flies low to drop in twos the sentences which caw the news. X Occasionally a friend will send a music essay which informs (though silence seems to be the […]
Earth Day: Overheard
… And look—a poem is drifting in.