The Peanut Guy—A Limerick

This one appeared as a group of four as an example of limericks in Paul B. Janeczko‘s book,WRITING FUNNY BONE POEMS (Scholastic, 2001): THE PEANUT GUYby April Halprin Wayland The Peanut Guy, he had a dreamWhenever he threw, fans would screamWith each bag he soldA great throw he’d unfoldThey watched him, ignoring their team. This […]
Walking to the Ocean metaphor

It didn’t seem that far away
when you started …
What Are They Looking at? simile

It’s working! In searching for them every day, metaphors and similes have started singing in my brain!
Hello, I’m Buster and I’m a Chase-a-holic. Poetry Friday!

No matter how busy the street is,
how fast the squirrel is,
or how loudly my person screams,
once I started, I couldn’t stop.
Black / White

After talking with my friend who was snowed-in back east, I met a brilliantly white Akita at the dog park.
Dog Explorer Uses His Nose

Sniff, o, sniff—what glorious fumes
coats the world beyond these rooms?
The Handmade Doll From the Museum Shop … Meets our Dog

With birthday money,
I buy the one with pigtails
brown skin
white apron over her gingham dress
holding a pet duck.
From a Cat’s Point of View …

Here in the piano room,
I purr on a lap.
This is my lap,
no one else’s lap,

For this Friday’s post, I needed a poem about generosity.