Nonsense Poem!

Wake up!  Are you a Jabberwock?
your head has nodded to the desk
at first I thought ’twas writer’s block
Oh, beamish boy—you’re hair’s askew!
I kick your shoe—I think it best
before our teacher catches you.

Be an Animal!

(c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights reserved

I’ve become somewhat of a dandelion connoisseur … turns 2!

birthday candles

We six who ride our blog horse here
are rather like that Paul Revere

“One if by land, two if by sea,”
was revolution’s poetry

Sounds Like a Poem


Take your notebook to a park or a restaurant or a school or the beach and write down the sounds. It may help to close your eyes to hear them.  Select the most interesting; write a poem.

Envelope Poems

Striped cat

There’s gotta be a word for this.

For that thing that happens
when I need new tennis shoes


Make a Blooming Paper Flower

What toy or party favor do you remember fondly from childhood?

How Does it Feel?


My body after the hike felt so…so what? It was vibrating from the exercise and from the green of the day. This is what I tried to put down in a poem.