Mask Poem

CAT AT MIDNIGHT by April Halprin Wayland Night. She pads out to the porch, I hide. “Come sleep with me,” she says, while turning off the light. I wait. She goes to bed. Then mastering my fright, I slink inside. I’m careful where I tread I tiptoe past his plate and cross a rope he’s […]
How Do You Describe a Smell?

X PUPPY PERFUME by April Halprin Wayland It’s powdery— cotton candy and dust from a carnival midway It’s musky— leaf litter of an old oak grove It’s all mixed up— crackers and couch pillows: your own furry fragrance your downy dogness as I burrow into you each morning. (c) 2011 April Halprin Wayland, all rights […]

For this Friday’s post, I needed a poem about generosity.
Two Turtles

“Oh joy!” one new turtle seemed to say, swimming off. The other tucked his head into his shell and sat on a rock.
In the Beauty Parlor

Today’s poem is a good example of the fact that most poems need more than a day to cook—at least most of my poems do!
This Is Just to Say, Cat

After a day chasing my tail, looking for poems in all the wrong places, Jenna’s poem inspired me to create my own THIS IS JUST TO SAY poem …
Birthday Boy

I was born underwater
and they thought I’d be a daughter.
Surprise! A boy!

I was in a waiting room. Waiting. So I pulled out my favorite pen. The barrel is pink but the ink is not. I adore this pen beyond reason. I found it abandoned a few month ago, and ever since I adopted it, my heart goes all pitter-pattery when I zip open my backpack and see it.

I finger Mama’s golden ring,
remembering when I ruled as king
There Are Other Ways to Poems

They find phrases hidden in this grass.
They find verses, songs—all delicious.