What a Metaphor for Aging, I Ask My 91-Year-Old Mother

A thief. A thief takes all your assets,
she says lying on the couch,
looking thin, grey, and so very small.
Doorbell metaphor

Is anyone answering YOUR doorbell today?
Dog and Master metaphor

What if the whole story is a metaphor?
Imitate Your Favorite Poem

x x Who’s coming in the dog park gate?!?!?! Okay…first read this poem: x THE LAKE ISLE OF INNISFREE by William Butler Yeats x I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for […]
Thank You Poem

HEADLINE, DEADLINE, END-OF-LINE by April Halprin Wayland X There are no ants who climb these lines to hoist up every front-page word— absurd. X No crow flies low to drop in twos the sentences which caw the news. X Occasionally a friend will send a music essay which informs (though silence seems to be the […]
Nonsense Poem!

Wake up! Are you a Jabberwock?
your head has nodded to the desk
at first I thought ’twas writer’s block
Oh, beamish boy—you’re hair’s askew!
I kick your shoe—I think it best
before our teacher catches you.
Two Turtles

“Oh joy!” one new turtle seemed to say, swimming off. The other tucked his head into his shell and sat on a rock.