Today I wanted to see if I could write a new birthday song. I tried…and tried…but it didn’t go anywhere.
To shake the cobwebs from my brain, I went for a walk with my sister and her dog in the fields near her house.
It was gloriously spring: spring clouds, spring sky, spring sunlight, spring winds, her dog dashing after rabbits through
spring-green fields.
When I got back, I opened my “poems for inspiration” file and found Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem, WINDY NIGHTS.
I like that it’s short. I like the way the rhythm and rhyme gallops you forward. I started by copying the poem, then finding my own.
By April Halprin Wayland
Today while the sun and the clouds chase about,
and the wind is a mousy mild,
four puppies and I, we fly through the fields
while the trees stand single-filed.
Tonight when it’s dark and the sun’s gone out,
the puppies are piled in a heap.
They’re zipping through fields, their legs going wild
chasing rabbits in their sleep.
© by April Halprin Wayland 2010 all rights reserved
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