2012 Poetry Month

Because Your Birthday

Today is my son’s birthday-hip, hip hooray!

By April Halprin Wayland

Because I put on winter underwear, a purple turtleneck and a magenta ski jacket and went for a walk hoping to find some stuff to make a way cool card for you

Because I slumped home, no perfect piece of wood, bit of blue glass, weird spiky caterpillar or rain-dampened page with a funny word

Because when you were little you were silly, serious, laughy, pondering, bouncy, excited, focused and kind (always kind) and now you’re tall and all of these

Because I didn’t really like the drums and you really like the drums and now I like them, too

Because you texted me to remind me that I was doing everything okay when I didn’t think I was

Because when you walk into the kitchen, my eyes have to adjust to your brightness

Because just walking down the sidewalk with you to get that thing to fix your bike is wonderful

Because of all these things and none of them

I had to write this poem

Because I’m so lucky

Because you’re you

Because I’m glad that’s true.

© by April Halprin Wayland 2010 all rights reserved


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