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2012 Poetry Month

When I Am a Dog

by April Halprin Wayland

When I am a dog,
I will have a major tail

that wags like Goliath
conducting a deafening marching band,

that fans sweltering July
into blustery October,

that is a circus
all by itself.

When I am a dog,
I will have a major tail

that launches a cheeseburger off the table
without anyone noticing.

Poetry Prompt:
Um…well, I usually write some behind-the-scenes cool detail about the poem here. But the truth is, I was looking at Eli’s strong, long tail and suddenly I had a teeny case of tail envy.

Now it’s your turn. What animal or inanimate object do you secretly wish to be?  And when you are that animal or thing, what would be the coolest thing you could do?

4 Responses

  1. wagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwagwag
    Oh! Being a new Poodle is the Best!

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