SEPARATED AT BIRTH ~ rough draft!
by April Halprin Wayland
Big Benjamin is joking about being on a diet.
“When my wife reached her fork to taste my turkey,
I nearly bit her hand off!”
who did I just meet that reminds me of Ben?
At the store, Stella confides she’s shy around new people.
“Sometimes it comes out in nippy ways,” she says.
“I just want to back into a corner.”
Stella reminds me of someone…
In the elevator, June hisses, “Shhh!
People are tapping my phone, watching my car, monitoring my credit cards.”
Poor little June.
Didn’t I just see someone exactly like June?
Where was I?
the dog park!
That Rottweiler guarding his Frisbee,
growling at any dog that came within three feet of it…
the nippy terrier
barking at all comers from behind her owner’s legs…
that shivering Chihuahua
too paranoid to leave her owner’s arms…
Trust me—we all have a twin
at the dog park.

Bruce says of this one: “Good concept. Clever. But rough execution.”
And I say it’s too long. But it still makes me laugh!
2 Responses
I like the concept behind this one too. I often see dogs who remind me of people I know.
Yes, Susan…it can be spooky!