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New Year at the Pier
Imagine That Children's Bookstore
Mrs. Nelson's
Rosie is a good reader.
Rosie is a good reader.

Free autographed book plate!
Just email me: 1) your snail mail address,
2) what book I’m autographing, 3) to whom

Find an independent bookstore near you on this map
and celebrate Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day!

Sadly, NEW YEAR AT THE PIER is out of print (sniff);
the good news is you can buy it
 at a discount online (yay!).

But please shop at your local independent bookstore when you’re looking for titles that are in print. Why shop Indie?

video produced by the Regulator Bookstore

My fav indies are:

pages: a bookstore  


Children’s Book World

“In these tough economic times…support local businesses that are involved and invested in the community…At the heart of Naperville [Ill.], and other communities like it, are the people who invest in their towns to help maintain the quality of life we enjoy.  One great example of a business that consistently gives back to the local community is Anderson’s Bookshops …Remember that when you shop, you do have choices. Select businesses that show they care and know how to give back to the community.” ~ from an article in the Naperville Sun

The info below is from
When you shop at an independently owned business,
your entire community benefits:

The Economy

  • Spend $100 at a local and $68 of that stays in your community. Spend the same $100 at a national chain, and your community only sees $43.
  • Local businesses create higher-paying jobs for our neighbors.
  • More of your taxes are reinvested in your community–where they belong.

The Environment

  • Buying local means less packaging, less transportation, and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money to beautify your community.

The Community

  • Local retailers are your friends and neighbors—support them and they’ll support you.
  • Local businesses donate to charities at more than twice the rate of national chains.
  • More independents means more choice, more diversity, and a truly unique community.

Now is the time to stand up and join your fellow individuals in the IndieBound mission supporting local businesses and celebrating independents.

Celebrate Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day!