2010 Poetry Month

Hi there! I’m April Halprin Wayland…
welcome to my 2010 Outdoor Poetry Room!

Make sure you check out my teacher Myra Cohn Livingston’s poetry reminders here,
and Sylvia Vardell & Janet Wong’s game of Poetry Tag

…then take your shoes off and stay awhile ~

APRIL is National Poetry Month. And I, personally, think April is an excellent month

in which to upside-down-see-the-world-in-a-new-way-9-10-09-by-april-halprin-wayland3celebrate poetry!

In keeping with the Poem-A-Day Challenge, I wrote a poem a day (duh!)

(Details about the Challenge and more Poetry Month events below…scroll to the bottom)

GULP! Okay…Here I go. I’m putting on my safety helmet because “poetry is an extreme sport!”

forestry, natural reserve, forest


I have been thinking a lot about the word Dayenu, which we hear each year at the Passover seder.

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vintage, book illustration, alice in wonderland

Uncle Davie and Me

I started, this morning, by writing whatever came out of my brain…here’s a sample of the Alice-in-Wonderland-ness of it all …

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Two Yellow Labrador Retriever Puppies

Spring Dog Dreams

Today while the sun and the clouds chase about,
and the wind is a mousy mild,
four puppies and I, we fly through the fields
while the trees stand single-filed.

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mother, mom, kid

Because Your Birthday

Because I put on winter underwear, a purple turtleneck and a magenta ski jacket and went for a walk hoping to find some stuff to make a way cool card for you …

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Elsie on dictionary

Cat on Her Birthday

My tail leaves a trail of elegant catness
My dangerous eyes are a light shade of green
It takes work to maintain my sinuous fatness
Though I may look youthful, today I’m thirteen.

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sliced fruits on white ceramic plate

Fruit Pizza

My friends are the hem.
The next circle’s uncles, aunts, cousins and kin.

They orbit my brother, dad, sisters, and mother-
circles in circles in circles within.

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hand massage, treatment, finger

Lara’s Hands

My friend Lara Hall is an orthopedic nurse, an exercise instructor and a masseuse. She knows all the muscles and ligaments and tendons and bones …

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candles, celebration, cake

The Perfect Gift

Some1 ran 2 the store 4 candles.
5 and 7 helped 6 decor-8 the living room.
“Here he comes!” whispered 5, who’d been paying a-10-tion.

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a group of musical instruments sitting on top of each other

Alley Treasures

I found a drum with just two dents.
You found a flute-ish thing that hums.
Zak found a bell, a little bent.
Sam picked us each a purple plum.

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background, night sky, comet

Birth of an Idea

There are all kinds of birthdays. Today I was thinking about how a book is born. But this poem didn’t want to be about all the edits, the changes, the stumbles.

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ai generated, snow, princess

School Play

You were a princess, lost; I
was a little bird. Nobody cared
where we went or how we sang.
A storm, I seem to remember, a giant
wave, some kind of crash at the end,
I think we cried when they took off our wings.

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coffee, pen, notebook

Your Day

Before my day started, I went to a coffee shop and treated myself to a rare decaf latte.
“Name?”  The barista asked. “April,”
I said. “It’s your month!” he said as he wrote my name on the cup in black marker.

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How does it feel to cross over this creek,
to fly from tree to tree to you?
To find, in the midst of the jungle a few
readers discerning, kind and true?

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