Slow down. Be present. Observe one facet of your life.
Circling the Dog Park
Dog park = life.
Passover at the Dog Park
Stand on your head and write a poem for Passover or Easter or Spring. Be unpredictable—come at this topic from a completely different angle.
Dog Tree Apostrophe
An apostrophe poem is one in which the poet talks to an inanimate object.
Dog Birthday
a long time ago
i chewed you out
for chewing my shoe
Write an Autopilot Poem
Every Tuesday night I tell myself:
tomorrow is Wednesday.
This Baby Comes to the Dog Park Too Often
Some of what makes a funny poem is the meter. This one is bouncy—it has predictable rhythm and rhyme.
Dog Word, Girl Word
What a glorious word “done” can be! It got me to thinking about favorite words.
When I Am a Dog
I was looking at Eli’s strong, long tail and suddenly I had a teeny case of tail envy.
Reverso Poems
x BLOOMING by April Halprin Wayland BLOOMING A poem grows from scattered seed in muddy soil— a muddle. x One green leaf, a vine meandering, winding around, climbing towards light. Me: gardening poetry. x Poetry: gardening me? Climbing towards light? Winding around? A vine meandering? One green leaf? x A muddle in muddy soil from […]