Focusing on Rhythm in a Dog Poem

dog, young dog, the muzzle of the dog

dog lifting ear
wrinkling wet nose

whistle of man
done with day’s work

twitching the tip of a tail
putting big paws on the ledge

When Eli Turned Two

A Dog Lying on the Rug

Before, as if he hadn’t heard,
my memo slowly fluttered down.  The words
which bid him to obey
would float above his brain all day.

Young Dog Dashing ~ imitating a poem I love

beach, rocks, coast

Young Dog Dashing, how do you run
With Greyhound and Husky in the dust and the sun?
     In circles and twisting around the trees
     Gathering others for the widening game.

Poop Patrol

dog, grass, defecating

Eli is hunching near the fence
on a patch of grass
by the third tree
from the tool shed.

In Pollywog Park

boys, indian, children

One middle school kid,
talking cocky
commandeers the outdoor glider.

A gawky squirt
in a shirt that’s khaki
tries high five but he’s an outsider.

TV Cooking Show

chef, online, food

I’m going to come out of the closet and say I don’t think I’m the only one who stays up late to watch Chopped. Am I right?

Dog Park Spring Quartet

beagle, yawn, lazy

Sometimes I get flashes on a topic. Pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit together with that satisfying click no matter how I look at the pieces.

Dog Birthday

A Dog Lying on the Rug

a long time ago
i chewed you out
for chewing my shoe

When I Am a Dog

Eli, the day we adopted him

I was looking at Eli’s strong, long tail and suddenly I had a teeny case of tail envy.