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Pencil growing
School visits are like planting seeds. Look what might grow!
Kids clapping
Rosie, the world’s oldest dog, laughing at me in the garden.
School visits are like planting seeds. Look what might grow!
Rosie, the world’s oldest dog, laughing at me in the garden.
I love visiting elementary, middle and high schools, libraries and universities! WHAT I DO AND HOW MUCH IT COSTS
  • If your school is within an hour’s drive of the Los Angeles airport, I charge $950 for the day or $800 for a half day.
  • Within California but farther than an hour’s drive from LAX my fee is $1450-2500 per day depending upon the event, plus transportation and hotel.
  • Otherwise I charge $1450-$2500 per day plus nonstop airfare and hotel.

Information specific to elementary schools, middle schools, high schools below. What do you need?

  • Full or half-day school visits?
  • Poetry workshops?
  • Picture book writing workshops?
  • Creative writing exercises?
  • A talk about a writing career?
  • Stories in a large auditorium?
  • A lively assembly?
  • A GATE class?
  • A small Master Class for specially chosen students?
  • Teacher in-services? (In mine, teachers learn two terrific writing exercises that they can give to their classes the next day)
  • Entertainment and inspiration in a keynote speech?
  • Work with homeschoolers?
  • An adult picture book class?
  • An adult poetry workshop?
  • A parent night speaker?
  • A speaker for a college children’s literature class?
I will do almost anything you might want. (Almost.  I can’t do a cartwheel.  *sigh*) ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS A typical three- assembly schedule:
  • K and 1st……………………………………………50 minutes (yes, even the kinders—I promise to dismiss ‘em earlier if they aren’t enjoying it)
  • 2nd and 3rd………………………………………..50 minutes
  • 4th and 5th…………………………………………50 minutes
My presentations My high-energy powerpoint presentations cover the writing process, how I find ideas, writing, re-writing, editing, editing some more, and the publication process.  My underlying message is that good writing (good anything) takes TIME.
  • With the youngest students, presentations focus on storytelling.
  • Guaranteed fun—I play the fiddle! (I only play at the very end of the Grandma story, but that’s what they remember)
  • Presentations are interactive, energetic and fun!
…and workshops Check out what I offer below for middle and high schools.  We can do the same in your elementary school! MIDDLE SCHOOLS AND HIGH SCHOOLS As in elementary schools but focused on the teen audience, my high-energy powerpoint assembly presentations cover the writing process, how I find ideas, writing, re-writing, editing, editing some more, and the publication process.  My underlying message, no matter the age, is that good writing (good anything) takes TIME. However, the range of what I offer to middle schools and high schools varies considerably—let’s think outside the box—above and beyond the assembly!  I can tailor a day especially for your needs. Every school, every group is different. In most schools I perform two or three assemblies for the entire school, and then teach a poetry workshop for a limited number of select students or a particular class or grade. Do you really want to read MORE?  Really?  Okay.  I’ll give you one more bullet point list.  I’ve been a speaker at:
  • State Reading Association Conferences,
  • Library and Media Educator Conferences,
  • Teacher Conferences,
  • Writers Conferences,
  • GATE Conferences,
  • Young Author Conferences,
  • Book Festivals,
  • International Magic Carpet Convention I made that up…