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I really appreciate your feedback!
Please let me know about sites to add to this page
or if any of these sites no longer exist—it takes a village to stay up-to-date! has an excellent page with links for young writers

The Web English Teacher lists three links–one to publish high school students’ work, an interactive site to produce student books, and a site to publish online.

According to Ana Anaya, Canvas Teen Communications Manager, “Canvas is a teen literary magazine run by teens, for teens. Quarterly, Canvas publishes the work of teens 13-18 from all around the world…Canvas accepts a wide variety of genres…For information on how to submit, past issues, or current contests and events, please visit our website.”

Stone Soup welcomes submissions by young people through age 13!

Magazine written by teens.


Writing in my journal at night

Writing Contests Before selecting a contest, be sure to read all of the information provided by the contest sponsor to make sure that you are making the right choice for your situation.

Free Verse Project – Teens will like this contest, hosted by the Academy of American Poets, which challenges participants to “write lines from a favorite poem on a sandy beach, assemble twigs on a hillside, or chalk the sidewalk,” then take a photo “before it disappears.”

The Claudia Ann Seaman Awards for Young Writers -For students grades 9-12.  Submit poetry, fiction and non-fiction.

River of Words International Poetry & Art Contest
Each year, in affiliation with the Library of Congress Center for the Book, River of Words conducts a free international poetry and art contest for youth on the theme of watersheds. The contest is designed to help youth explore the natural and cultural history of their local watersheds, and to express, through poetry and art, what they discover.  Entries due in  February. Grand prize: round trip transportation from the winner’s nearest major airport to Washington, D.C. for the winner and one parent or guardian.  (Please see River of Words website for full details of contest and submission address.)

The Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Awards
The Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Award is an annual series of awards to encourage poets to explore and illuminate positive visions of peace and the human spirit. The Poetry Awards include three age categories: Adult, Youth 13-18, and Youth 12 & Under. The deadline for submissions is July 1st.

Kids Bookshelf
Scroll down to “publish your work.”  Accepts short stories and poems written by those 17 and under.

Young Writers Magazine
As of summer 2013, this site is being updated.  Description: “Thirteen to nineteen year-olds around the world are producing stunning material in the form of original art and literature, as well as criticism of the same. We feature the very best of it in this online magazine.”

This is the blog I share with five other fab children’s authors who also teach writing.  This page, in particular, links to a GAZILLION places worth exploring if you’re interested in getting published.

Parallel Ink
This is an e-magazine that publishes writing by students for students around the world aged 12-18. Because they are high school students, they can’t offer payment for acceptances.

Other ways to get published

Check out the Children’s Writers and Illustrators Market at your library. Although it is written for adults who write for the children’s market, it often lists contests and publications that accept work from students.